четверг, 13 сентября 2018 г.

The Absence of a Certain Race in a video game VS Concentration camps

“We hate everyone equally, without distinction of race, religion and color.”
-Wall inscription


Nowadays, almost every third person without a SJW t-shirt on is being accused of racism: a bad joke about black color, or (what a horror!) he dared to speak out negatively about the countries of the third world. Only 73 years have passed, a tiny time period by the standards of history, but people have already forgotten what the real racism is, how does real discrimination by blood look like; they forgot that horror- instead of remembering it, they prefer making up new ones. Well, the only thing I can do is to recall those nightmares, remind people about the madness which is known as "concentration camps".

Based on Mikhail Beniaminovich’s memoirs, a person, who was a prisoner in 10 Nazi concentration camps in a period from 1941 to 1945.

    "At the end of the day, all prisoners were cleaning shovels and pickaxes. The SS soldiers stood near and watched them.  Mikhail cleaned the shovel and ran to put it in the barn, so then he could return to a formation.  He tried to do it quickly, to avoid any attention from the Commandenfuhrer. But he did not succeed. The SS man ordered: "Stop!". He immediately stopped, holding a shovel in his hands. He looked at him and said: "Ah, yude (Jew)?". концлагерь
    The SS man forced Mikhail to clean the shovel again, ordered him to stand in front of the building and began the interrogation in front of the formation: "Doo bust yude(Are you Jew)?". There is only one possible answer, if you want to stay alive - no. He asks the SS security guards who were standing near by them : "What do you think guys, is he a Jew, or not?". Everyone laughed, taking this as a joke, and did not answer. Then the Commandenfuhrer said: "Wait, I know a great way to find out whether he is a Jew or not!".
    Prisoner was taken to the barn where the instrument was stored, and was ordered to lie down across the bench. Kapo handed the SS soldier a shovel, and he began to beat Mikhail’s back. Pain was unbearable- hunger weakened his body, and even the slightest blow caused an explosion of pain. SS man was beating him until the shovel broke down into two parts. Then they told Mikhail to stand up, get out of the barn and return to the formation. Prisoner left, staggering from side to side, barely holding on to his feet. Then the SS man hit him with the his heavy, military boot in the chest; I fell in the mud, but somehow was able to rise and get in the line. Other prisoners stood in silence, and the SS men watched and laughed.
    After that, the guards took their places, and prisoners moved towards the camp. Mikhail writes: “I have no idea, how I made it to the camp. I just kept telling myself that it's necessary to go and go without any stop- this is my only salvation.”

Узники немецкого лагеря смерти Маутхаузен в дни войны.
Do you still think that picture of an african american boy wearing “The coolest monkey in the jungles” t-shirt is worse than, or can be compared with THAT?

Incredibly hard work and lack of food was exhausting. The prisoners became very skinny, barely moved and did not look like normal people. Eight people were forced to carry rails, 20 meters each, and bring it to a railway track.
                                                               "Rise Of Evil", Sabaton

From exhausting deadly labor, daily beatings, and starvation the number of prisoners was decreasing every day. The sick ones were dying, the weak ones were killed. The cases of suicides became more frequent: prisoners were taking a high-current barbwire with their bare hands. The 16th and 17th barracks were emptied. Less than half of Russian prisoners was alive. Now there was a new method for their elimination.
All prisoners after work, before going to  bed, have to stay in the courtyard. When it's time to go to sleep, everyone takes off their outer clothes, pads, takes a cold shower and stands in one line to go into the bedroom. In the doorway there is a “room-chief” -another prisoner with a green or black triangle (which means he is one of the criminals or bandits), and examines everyone at the entrance. Only those who are still able to work are allowed to enter the barracks.
Those who are weaker, are not allowed to enter there; they are forced to step into the washbasin. When it was filled with people, the doors were closing and cold water was released, after which the executioners enter there and finish off everyone with sticks. Prisoners were understanding that they are being killed for not being able to work anymore, and my memory still keeps a terrible cry from the washstand: "Ich arbayte, ich arbayt!” --I will work, I will work!"... But nothing helps, nothing can save them from executioners’ cruelty."

Image result for kingdom come deliverance accuse of racism
Kingdom Come: Deliverance was repeatedly accused of racism, as the developers did not include African characters in the game. In their defense, the developers claim that in the medieval czech republic there were no immigrants from Africa, which is confirmed by history. Unfortunately, the arguments and facts did not convince fanatical human rights activists.

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